


If you have questions about how to use Kurento, or have an issue that isn't related to a bug, Stack Overflow is the best place to ask. Tag questions with kurento so other folks can find them easily.

Another option you have is to contact the community through the Kurento Public Mailing List, which is a medium that allows more discussion to happen around topics.

Good questions to ask would be:

  • What is the best Media Pipeline to use for <place your use case here>?
  • How do I check that the ICE connectivity checks are working properly for WebRTC?
  • Which audio/video codec combination should I use to ensure no transcoding needs to take place?


Kurento is a community supported project, nobody is paid explicitly to offer user support. All people answering your questions are doing it with their own time, so please be kind and provide as much information as possible.

Bugs & Support Issues

You can file bug reports on our Issue Tracker, and they will be addressed as soon as possible.

Support is a volunteer effort, and there is no guaranteed response time. If you need answers quickly, you can buy commercial support as explained below.

Reporting Issues

When reporting a bug, please include as much information as possible, this will help us solve the problem. Also, try to follow these guidelines as closely as possible, because they make it easier for people to work on the issue, and that means more chances that the issue gets fixed:

  • Be proactive. If you are working with an old version of Kurento, please check with newer versions, specially with the latest development version. We can't emphasize this enough: it's the first thing that we are going to ask.
  • Be curious. Has it been asked before? Is it really a bug? Everybody hates duplicated reports. The Search tool is your friend!
  • Be precise. Don't wander around your situation and go straight to the point, unless the context around it is technically required to understand what is going on. Describe as precisely as possible what you are doing and what is happening but you think that shouldn't happen.
  • Be specific. Explain how to reproduce the problem, being very systematic about it: step by step, so others can reproduce the bug. Also, report only one problem per opened issue.

If you definitely think you have hit a bug, try to include these in your bug report:

  • A description of the problem (e.g. what type of abnormal effect you are seeing).
  • A detailed specification of what you were executing (e.g. a specific code snippet firing the bug).
  • A detailed description of the execution environment (e.g. browser, operating system, KMS version, etc).
  • The relevant log generated by KMS, browser and, eventually, application server. Make sure to honor the relevant part: providing a 50MB log where only 10 lines are of interest is not providing a relevant log.
  • A proof-of-concept is of great help. This may need a bit of upfront work on your side, to isolate the actual component that presents issues from the rest of your application logic. Doing this will hugely increase the chances that developers of Kurento start working right away on the issue, if they are able to reproduce the problem without needing to have your whole system in place.

Commercial Support

We offer commercial support for Kurento, custom features, as well as consulting around all media server issues. You can contact us at openvidu@gmail.com to learn more.